Travel ... is an experience...

This is the summer I'll spend at home, rather than traveling to new places. In fact, I'll travel no further than my own backard, as I'm teaching classes through August. The past four or five summers, I've travelled to Cancuun and outlying islands (with my husband), North Carolina (with my son, daughter-in-law and grandsons) and Texas to see my parents and family. Previous years, my job has taken me to San Francisco, Berkeley, Estes Park, Colorado, Nashville, Tennessee, and Milwaukee. But, this summer, I'll have to be content with traveling vicariously through the photos and words of family, friends, students, and colleagues. And my explorations of the exotic will be limited to my garden.
That I love to travel comes as a surprise to me, because I grew up in a family that travelled the world, never spending more than two years in any one spot. As a child I longed to live in a quiet, picket-fenced neighborhood long enough to see roses climb a trellis. Now I have a home of my own with four climbing rose bushes. Now, I long to travel, to continue my journey through this mysterious life.
Come with me as I explore the mystery of life through a garden.