We are all one people . . . . .
I am dismayed the American media has not covered the teachers' strike in Oxaca, Mexico, where police have resorted to guerilla tactics to
break up the encampment of teachers. These teachers educate the children and they have been camped out in the center of the city for a month.
Perro Amarillo posted this photograph on the DailyKos site, where you can read about the situation.
http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2006/6/15/172234/505 We should be putting pressure on the media to get their asses to Mexico, (and skip the insignificant stories about Britney Spears), to bring pressure to the government to let these folks demonstrate without fear for their safety. Please contact your state and federal officials and request that something be done to stop the police before someone is harmed. You can also read about the strike in English or Spanish, at this site for NarcoNews http://www.narconews.com/Issue41/article1874.html
Another colleague began a diary entry for an American university professor who is in Oxaca,
supporting the teachers. You can read and comment here.
It's true, Janie, I haven't seen this story in the media, only learned about this strike through you.
Wouldn't it be a better world if teachers were held with the same respect as doctors, lawyers, etc?
Seems to me that the teaching profession suffers low pay and low respect because it is female dominated.
Interesting observation. I agree that we should give teachers more respect--but I'm biased because I am one. Thanks for your comment.
I have a friend that worked at Tyson foods where I worked, she is a teacher in Mexico, guess if they don't settle things she will be back here.
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